FREE Downloads of Appendixes for Books 1 to 4, and some FREE Comical Material, Click Here
The following are about 450 somewhat compressed pictures that are in the books, or inspired me to create a story; some additions were added, here and there, in 2018...(Hundreds of spelling corrections.....)
Quepos Costa Rica Air Strip and Manual Antonio Beach (
Manual Antonio Beach ( 2-25-2001

Astoria - Megler Bridge on the Hwy-10, Back When It Was New 1960's (
Oregon in the 1960's (
Costa Rican Bartenders or Rent-A-Girls Around 2001(
Oregon in the 1960's - (

Glen Canyon Dam showing leaks in the Sandstone and lake Powell only Half-Full (

Paul Winquist (


Original Zoo Train, Portland Oregon (


New York Before 911

911 aerial photos Slide 01

911 aerial photos Slide 02

911 aerial photos Slide 03

911 aerial photos Slide 04

Aerocar Model 3

Bizarre Art

Los Angeles


Camden ME




Los Angeles

New York


Lake Mead on Nevada Side (Note- Lake Powell and Lake Mead are both only half full, so if Glen Canyon Dam breaks, the water will fill Lake Mead, and not avalanche down the Colorado River, trashing the rest of the dams and towns. )

The Execution Of Christians, Turks, and Jews

HIROSHIMA JAPAN - 60 years later



Julie's Pictures July 2009

Memories of South Dakota (

Lewis Lake and the Snake River - (Julie Winquist's Pictures)

70 m (230 ft) Antenna and Jupiter 5-20-2001

Purple Flower (

White Flowers Tigard OR (

Pink Flowers Tigard Oregon (

No Trespassing Albany Oregon (

Oak Tree, Albany OR - Site was Albany College, that later changed its name to Lewis and Clark College and moved to Portland (

Pink Flowers in Rockaway Beach Oregon (
Beer - 10 ( (This collection started with film cameras around 1980)

Beer - 11 (

Seagull - Rockaway Beach Oregon 2014 (

White Flower - Portland OR (

100 girls - compressed, Fine Bartenders from my heavy drinking era 1975 to 2006 (

4 Queens Casino - Las Vegas NV (

1908 StudeLimo

My pool in Las Vegas. It's gone now, my neighbors purchased the house to tear it down, and expand theirs. (

1931 New York Police Department mugshot of Lucky Luciano (Lucky Luciano mugshot 1931)

1952 Porsche 356 K-9-1 Prototype 1953-Porsche-archives

1966 photo shows sawdust-fired power plant on the edge of downtown that was removed to make way for dense residential development

1970's Paul Winquist - An atheist Enjoying Life in Costa Rica (

A 250 MW co-generation plant in Cambridge, Massachusetts Mirant Kendall Co-generation Station

A beach on Margarita Island

A cluster of mangroves on the banks of the Vellikeel River in Kannur Mangroves1

A Loggerhead Sea Turtle, by far the most common species of marine turtle in the Canary Islands - (credit Caretta Caretta)

A Swiss Braunvieh cow wearing a cowbell - A house near the city walls of Rothenburg.png

A Marais wheel trencher in South Africa

Abandoned House (

Abandoned Mineshaft Pioche NV (


Aeronca 15AC



Agave shawii -- Agave victoriae-reginae (makes tequila)

airplane - jet

Airplane in the snow

Airplane Jet2

Airplane Jet3

Airplane red nose

Airport La Palma

Al Capone - around 1935 - Bernard Madoff. 250 Years in Prison for a super Ponzi scam

ALCO 18-251 V18 engine used as a backup generator at a wastewater plant in Montreal

Allalinhorn 2007

Amazon River -- Astoria Bridge in OR (

American Alligator -- Big Rock Falls

Angelo Bruno Murder Scene

Las Vegas Sign.gif

Animals medellin-gacamaya

Anne Hvides Gaard, Svendborg, Denmark, from 1560


Anthony Spilotro - Mobster

Antigua Island

Antigua Island

Antigua Island

Antigua Island

Antique Jukeboxes

Antique drinking fountian, rebuilt and stil running - Portland Oregon

Antique Mexican art on a window curtain


Arquipelagos Venezuela

Astoria Bridge (

Astoria Bridge (

Austin Sky line Lou Neff Point-2010-03-29

Bad driver

Bad Parking 2

Banana Plants indoors - Las Vegas (

Bandon Oregon - compressed (

Bandon Oregon 2 compressed (

Bandon Oregon 3 compressed (

Bandon Oregon 4 compressed (

Bandon Oregon 6 compressed (

Bandon Oregon Beach - compressed (

Bandon Oregon Boats compressed (

Bandon Oregon Golf compressed (

Bandon Oregon (

Plane at the Bandon Airport (

Bandon Road by the Airport(

Bar in Vancouver USA (

Barn (compressed)

Baron Twin - compressed (

Bartender at Four Queens in Las Vegas - compressed (

Beach - 2 compressed

Beach in Chile compressed

Beautiful Musician in Toluca Lake (compressed) (

beautiful Singapore lake and gardens 2 - compressed

Beech Aircraft Cockpit - compressed

Beech Inside compressed

Beechcraft Starship 1 - compressed

Belize Beach 2 - compressed

Belize Beach - compressed

Bell 205 A-1 - compressed

Benny Binion ( -- Beretta 92G Elite IA -- Costa Rica Girls - compressed (

Bergen Norway 6-25-06

Bergen Norway Harbor

Bergen Norway - compressed

Bergen Norway Waterfront - compressed

Big Trencher 2009

Big Trencher Red - compressed

Bill Gates - compressed

Binion's Casino Las Vegas - compressed (

Bio-Bus -compressed

Birgu Vittoriosa Malta - Malta - compressed

Bisse de Clavau - compressed

Bizarre Accident - compressed

Bizarre Pix

Blue By-plane

Blue Trane Africa

Bob from the Test Site in Nevada (

Bob Stupak,Casino Owner in Las Vegas - Hugo Chávez Past President of Venezuela - Carlos Slim, World's Richest Man

Bobby & Deer July 2001 #2 (

Bobie with a deer (

Boeing 727-200 (Company Private Jet in the books)

Boeing 737-8ZS flight deck (Company Private Jet in the books)

Bohemian Grove 1967 (A culb for super poweerful Republicans in Northern California)

Bosea yervamora berries

Brad's Plane in the books - Guyana Registration Number

Brazil - Ipiales 2008 -- Brazil Slums


Brazilian Indian Chiefs, Kaiapos tribe, during a collective interview

Bud Field

Indoor Marijuana Bud

Bud Farm

Buenos Aires Panorama 1-22-09

Warren Buffett and US President Obama

Round Building in Portland OR (

Burning Jet

Butterfield Bank in Georgetown, Grand Cayman -- Sky City Changsha -- Lighthouse - White,Canadian

Cali Colombia

Cali Colombia

Canal Panama Ecluses 1

Caribbean Flamingo

Fidel Castro

Centro Asturiano, Havana -- Centro Habana

Cessna Citation 560

Cessna Citation Jet

Cessna Jet

Chania Crete Panoram
Charles Lucky Luciano (Excelsior Hotel, Rome)

Chicago Police Department mugshot of Antonino Accardo


Atacama Compact Array in Chile

Can't remember - OR (


Club House (

Coast El Golfo, El Hierro - Coast El Golfo

Coconut palm tree Cocos nucifera growing in Florida - Orange - Denmark, Copenhagen Collage

Collage Havana

Colombian Hat

Colourful Q-400

Columbia River from Scenic Highway 30 (

Con-Air for Federal Prisoners

Congressional 1st Hole Golf Course

Copenhagen the little mermaid statue 2013 -- Ephrim Zimbalist Jr.

Corcovado National Park

Corn Cobs -- Wheat harvest on the Palouse, Idaho, United States

Coroner - Clark County NV 2008 (

Costa Rican Tiny Resort (

Costello testifying before the Kefauver Committee
, also known as the mountain lion, puma, panther, mountain cat Mountain_lion.jpg)
cougar (Puma concolor), also known as the mountain lion, puma, panther, mountain cat Mountain lion

Cougar closeup

Country Girl - Pendleton Oregon Roundup Queen

Country Barn

Covered Bridge - OR (


Cows in Western Oregon (

Coyote in Yosemite 2009 -- Cougar Nevada

Crater Lake OR

Cranberrys - Jonathan Eastman Cranberry Harvest

Cranberry Bog

Crashed Plane North of Beatty Nevada At a Whorehouse -- Good Ideas for my book there. (

Crazy Bob And Paul - Bob is an old-timer in Las Vegas, and provided me with many good stories from the 1960s to 1980s. He knew some of the old hitmen, here, as well as Isreal and Lebonon. (

Crete - Public Beach 2

Crop-duster applies low-insecticide bait that is targeted against Western corn rootworms.

Crystal Cathedral, Los Angeles CA: built by Dr. Schuler as a super scamming church; he went broke, now it belongs to the Catholic church and is rented out.

Cuba - Gran Teatro de la Habana

Cuba - Havana Restored

Cuba - Hotel International and Little Taxis

Cuba - Melia Cohiba, Havana

Cuba - Museum of the Revolution in Havana

Cuba - Museum of the Revolution, Centro Habana

Cuba - Street in Parque Vidal

Cuba - Valle Vinales

Cuba - Varaderos Beach

Cuba - Viñales Valley

Cuba 2014

Cuba 2014

Cuba 2014

Cuba Hotel International - Famous for its casino in the 1950s.

Cuba, Santiago, People 2014 - Rolling Cigars

Cuba Habana

Cuban Farmland

Cuban Horse Cart 2014

Cuban House

Cuban Pedestrians

Cuban School Girls

Cuban Street

Cuban Taxis

Cute Bartender in Del Mar CA 2006 - Finland Girl (

Cute Bartender in Las Vegas (

Cyprus - Akti Olympion -- Cyprus - Limassol City

Cyprus - Episkopi Bay - Episkopi Cantonment in south-southwest Cyprus

Cyprus - Governor's Beach

Cyprus - Larnaka International Airport

Cyprus - Limassol Beach

Cyprus, Nicosia Collage --- Deer Hanging with Paul Winquist ( --- Costa Rican Bananas (
Cyprus - Palm Trees Promenade (Foinikoudes)
Cyprus - Palm Trees Promenade by night (Foinikoudes)

Dana Point harbor - (Wikipedia)

Dana Point harbor as seen from the end of Blue Lantern St.

Dash-8 -400 short one

Douglas DC-3 from the 1940s


De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter

de Havilland Canada DHC-8-201 on approach to runway 25 at Sydney Airport 9-26-13

Dead guy bottom half - Rear ended a truck while texting his girlfriend.

Dead Guy - Top Half

John Deer Backhoe

Deer Grassing - Eastern Oregon near Joseph.(

Deer in Oregon (

Del Coronado Hotel on Coronado Island San Diego


Denmark - Amager Strandpark - Kite Surfers

Denmark - Amagertorv Square dates back to the Middle Ages Amagertorv, Copenhagen

Denmark - Copenhagen Opera House at Night

Denmark - Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Farm - Copenhagen, view from North Port 2009-08-18

Denmark - Nyhavn, the Seventeenth Century Waterfront, with its colorful buildings facades along Nyhavn

Denmark - Rosenborg Castle and park in central Copenhagen, Rosenborg - park setting

Deposit Trash Here - Several characters landed down there in my books.(las Vegas Sins and Scams) (

Desert Cactus, Arizona(

Downtown Austin skyline reflected in Lady Bird Lake

Downtown Portland (

Dr Max Jeepney in my books - Philippines

Dunes - Oasis, Las Vegas NV - Dunes Implosion

Earth --- Holy Trinity Monastery, in Meteora, Thessaly - Meteora Agios Triadas
 JumpingRabbit -- Eagle_beak_sideview.jpg)
Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) JumpingRabbit -- Eagle beak sideview

education is the cure(

El Gran Escape (

End of the Lewis and Clark Trail - Seaside Oregon (

Episkopi Bay - Episkopi Cantonment in South-Southwest Cyprus

European Pear branch with fruit Pears -- Fig trees (Sycomoros) very old

Evolution in Action

Evolved in Central America -- Ferrari Spider

Luxury Ferries on the Amazon River

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright 1937

Falling Water Pathway

Falling Water Wright 1937

Falls in Western Oregon ( -- Oregon Somewhere - I took it about 1963 (

FARC Christians kill other Christians

Fern bed under a forest canopy in woods near Franklin, Virginia

Ferry Boat

Finland-Sweden Border

Fire in Westwood CA. That is Wilshire Blvd. in Westwood looking toward Beverly Hills. ( -- Victorville Airport

Firns (

First Jacobs House - back view, built in 1936

Flood Washington State (

Flowers, Purple and Red (

Frank Lloyd Wright's Price House

Frank Lloyd Wright's Zimmerman house

International Hotel - Former residence of Lucky Luciano in Cuba --- Old Havana

France - Port of Porquerolles, an island in Var. (Port-Porquerolles)

France - The Old Town district of Menton, which is the last Menton

Frank Lloyd Wright - House in Chicago

Fremont Street Las Vegas, with the first set of lights (

Freightliner Standard Party Bus Exterior - (picture taken in Chicago)

Frogs Fucking

Full-grown maize plants Zea Mays -- Santa Marta Parakeet

Golfstream, G-500 interior

Golfstream, G-500 alternate interior

Golfstream with G-1000 Aircraft Navigation System

Golfstream, G-550 Business Jet


Gemini Cruise Ship in Havana Harbor

General San Martín Park Mendoza park

George Soros - Two Vultures Pictured Above

Geothermal Power Station in the Philippines - Puhagan Geothermal Plant

German carpenters in 1880. The tools from left to right are a cart loaded with timbers...


Drug-lord Giovanni Brusca's arrest

Girls from Brazil and Costa Rica - (Right one only =

Golf in Oregon (


Golf - 1

Golf - 6

Golf - 8

Golf 1


Golf 4-19-03


Golf Somewhere


Golf in Oregon (

Golf course Golfplatz Wittenbeck Mecklenburg Ostsee Baltic Sea Germany

Golf Courses csg035 Augusta National





Grand Theater of Havana

Grapes - Pears

Great Blue Hole, Belize

Toluca Lake (Greater Toluca Lake Community Council Photograph)

Greenland, Kingdom of Denmark, - Nuuk city below Sermitsiaq

Greenland - Nuukair
Greenland - Sarpik Ittuk now sails as MS Ocean Nova of Nova Cruising - Ilulissat-Port

Greenland - Urbanization in Nuuk - Qinngorput-Nuuk

Dangriga Belize Main Street (Grigadan)


Guyana - Cottage of City - Georgetown

Gyps fulvus feeding (Vultures)

Hammer Ride, Washington County Fair, Hillsboro ORegon (

Happy Bartender, Dino's Bar, - Las Vegas NV (

Happy Bartender, Dino's Bar, - Las Vegas NV (

Havana - Old Car

Havana Cuba - Yank Tank

Havana - Cuba (Jorge Royan)

Haystack Rock Oregon around 1963 -2 (

Haystack Rock Oregon around 1963 (

Heat affected crop during a green drought

Hemingway Hotel, San Jose, Costa Rica (

Hens in Brazil, Battery hens --- Bastos, Sao Paulo, pig stunning, from The Medieval Cookbook

Hermoupolis, on the Island of Syros, is the capital of the Cyclades - Brainsik-ermoupoli

Hippy Mission Beach CA ( --- Clipart --- lezbins in Eastern Oregon (

Honduran Rain-forest - Montanasdela Sierra de Agalta Honduras - Honduras --- Egretta Thula - Mexico

Hoover Dam - Boulder Dam AZ-NV -- Hoover Dam - Boulder Dam AZ-NV --- Horsetail Falls Oregon (

Horse Race

Hotel Del Rey - San Jose Costa Rica (

Hotel Gran Meliá Salinas, Lanzarote

Hous in Rockaway Beach OR (

Hummer - Black

Hydrogen Bus (as used in the books)

Iceland - Akureyri Rainbow

Iceland - Eyjafjallajökull
Iceland - Geothermal area Námafjall near Mývatn Lake, Iceland. Smoking fumarole. - Námafjall in summer 2009

Iceland - Hafnarfjordur

Iceland - Jokulsarlon Lake, Iceland
Iceland - Landmannalaugar in Dummer 2009

Iceland - Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Plant

Iceland - Norðfjörður

Iceland - Reykjavík séð úr Hallgrímskirkju

Iceland - Reykjavík séð úr Hallgrímskirkju

Iceland - The Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull - Eyjafjallajokull - April-17-2010

Iceland - The pond

Iceland - Traditional Icelandic turf houses. Until the 20th century, the vast majority of Icelanders lived in rural areas - (Grassodenhäuser Picasa 2.0)

Iceland 2008-Sudureyri

Iceland -Oexarafoss --- Ipiranga Museum (Sao Paulo Brazil photo gov tourist ministry) --- Isla de Margarita Venezuela - (La Galera)

FLW Arizona


Iquique Chile 2

Iquique Chile 3

Iquique Chile 4

Iquique Chile

Jeepney in the Philippines

Jet, Gray, Air Museum in Tillamook OR (

Jimmy John Jones' Traveling Crusade

John Deer (

John Deere Pro Gator (

John Deere 3020 (

John Dillinger mug shot - Louis Buchalter - Luciano Leggio

John Gotti
Johnny Torrio (mugshot, 1936)

Joke -- Las Vegas Vegas Hotel (

Julie - Sarah - Bryce (

Jungle Road

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-RR Randy de Puniet 2006 Sept

KBPS Equipment Rack

Kingair Outside

Upgraded Kingair Navigation System

Upgraded Kingair Navigation System-2
, perhaps the most emblematic structure in Córdoba4.jpg)
La Cañada (The Glen) - Perhaps the most emblematic structure in Córdoba Argintina

La Fontaine de L'Observatoire Mendoza - Plaza Sarmiento Argintina

Lake Mead Nevada and Arizona

Las Vegas Downtown (
Las Vegas from the Rio (
Las Vegas from the Rio (

Las Vegas from the Rio (

Las Vegas from the Rio 4

Las Vegas - in the Rio (

Las Vegas from the Rio (

Las Vegas NV 11-12-08 ( - LED Streetlight ( --- Oregon City Elevator

Las Vegas Sunrise (

Leaping Dolphins

Lenagan Island, Trinidad and Tobago

End of the Lewis and Clark Trail, Seaside Oregon (

End of the Lewis and Clark Trail, Seaside Oregon (

Ski Lift, big pulley (

Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon (

Lisa in Oregon (

Lori's Kingair - Prop Jet

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Los Alamos aerial view - The first stages of the explosion of the Trinity nuclear test. Trinity Test Fireball at 16ms

Los Alamos NM -- Los Alamos Neutron Science Center

Bush bean field in Laos

Egypton Plow - Maler der Grabkammer des Sennudem

Malta - AIDAcara Valetta

Malta - Birgu

Malta - Mdinaview

Malta - Ramla Bay

Malta Night
Malta - St. Julian's (Triq it-Torri (Sliema))


Manual Antonio Beach - Costa Rica (

Manual Antonio beach - Costa Rica (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica 2 (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica 4 (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica 13 (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica-1 (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica8 (

Manual Antonio Beach Costa Rica (

Manual Antonio Beach, Costa Rica from an Ultralight (

Manual Antonio Beach (

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica (

Manuel Noriega mugshot cropped, Drug lord and Former president of Panama. ---- Michael Milken, Junk Bond Scammer --- Sam Giancana, Mobster.

Manuel Zelaya in 2009 - Oscar Goodman, former Mayor of Las Vegas, and Mob Lawyer ---- Cristina kirchner Mensaje 2010 President of Argentina

Marge in Las Vegas (

Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles

Marquam Bridge Hill - Portland Oregon

Mercedes-Benz 220

Mexican Drug Lord --- Happy Human Hunters


MGM at opening (This was my construction project) (

Mine Building in Pioche Nevada, from around 1909 (

Closed Mine in Pioche NV (

Mineshaft (

Mineshaft Pioche NV (

Miramar Naval Air Station (Now a Marine Base) - San Diego CA

Mis Universe 2007 an Albanian Girl - Apples - Adam and Eve, Durer Adam and Eve


Cash Money (Mexican Drug Bust)

Money and Guns (Mexican Drug Bust)

Money Piles (Mexican Drug Bust)

Mormon Land, UT

Moss House in Oregon, East of Lincoln City, on Hwy-6 (

Moss House in Oregon, East of Lincoln City, on Hwy-6 (

Moss House in Oregon, East of Lincoln City, on Hwy-6 (

Mountain Lion

Mt Hood - Blue Painting by Connie Dearixon-Adams (in my House) (

Mt Hood from Washington Park Rose Garden, Portland OR (

Mud Road

Benjamin Bugsey) Siegel - Mugshot

Multnomah Falls Oregon, Frozen around 1980 (

Multnomah falls, Frozen around 1980 (

Multnomah Falls, Frozen around 1980 (



MY Pool in Las Vegas (

Narco Submarine seized in Ecuador 2010-07-02

New varieties of wheat and other grains were instrumental to the Green Revolution (Wheat-haHula-ISRAEL)


Nicosia Cyprus, parks next to Venetian Walls in Nicosia Republic of Cyprus -- Old Spanish Trail Marker NV

No Parking (

Sweden and Denmark


Old Havana 2

Old House in Utah (

Old Malta

Oneonta Gorge Frozen-1 (

Oneonta Gorge Frozen, around 1980 (

Oneonta Gorge Frozen, around 1980 (

Oneonta Gorge Frozen, around 1980 (

Orange Field

Orange Trees

Oregon in 1963 or 1964 (

Oregon, bushes in Hillsboro (

A Falls in the Western Coast Range in Oregon (

Oregon Coast Range Runoff (

Oregon by Seaside - Straight Up (

Oregon Coast 2 (

Oregon Coast 99 (

Oregon Coast along 101 (

Oregon Coast (

Oregon Coast-101 (

Oregon Winter South of Hillsboro (

Oregon Winter 2 (

Oregon Winter South of Hillsboro (

Oregon Winter 4 (

Oregon Winter 5 (

Oregon - Flooding Wilson River (

Painter of the burial chamber of Sennedjem


Palermo, the city's most populous area of Buenos Aires Argentina

Panama City 2

Panama City - Not a Jungle Country Anymore

Panamanian Golf Course

Panorama of Santorini - Ia Santorini-2009-1

Parkdale OR (

Parkdale OR (

Party-ride interior (In the books as Sheldon's Limo in Las Vegas)

Paul Allen -- Warren Buffett (Good Guys)

Paul in Costa Rica 2011, just After 9-11, where they didn't screw up the aviation industry, or tourist industry, over what goes on in OTHER screwed-up countries.

Paul (me)

Peasants Slaughtering a Pig, by Flemish artist Pieter Brueghel, after 1616

Peristyle --- Philippine Islands 2004. Forest Road

Pershing 72, European Powerboat of the Year 2008. in the category 50 feet and over, Yacht Pershing 72

Piano Bar Owner and Daughter - San Jose Costa Rica, 2011 (

Piano bar San Jose Costa Rica 2011 (

Pink Flowers in Oregon ( --- Red Birds

Antique Plane in Oregon at Twin Oaks Airpark (

Planetarium of Rosario Argentina Planetario Rosario

Bizarre Wetland Plants at Rockaway Beach OR (

Polish 971 AERO L-29 DELFIN

Polish trainer jet

Por do sol no Rio Negro (Wikipedia)

Port of Miami Florida

Portland OR Downtown (

Portland OR from the VA Hospital (

Portland OR Wateerfront Park on the Willamette River (

Portland OR Waterfront Park on the Willamette River (

Portland OR Waterfront (

Portland OR (

Portland OR - aerial

Portland Oregon from the Air (

Portland OR, Waterfront on the Willamette River (

Portland and Mt. Hood

Poverty Bend Road, Hillsboro OR (

Predictor -- Airstrip 22 (Not related to each other)

Puerto Viarta Mexico (

Puerto Ayacucho Venezuela

Puerto Madero, Financial District in Buenos Aires

Puerto Vallarta Mexico - 2

Puerto Vallarta Mexico at night

Puma face

Purple Flowers (

Q-400 - Horizon Air, in the rain at Portland's Airport

Quepos Costa Rica, viewed from an ultralight in 2011 (

Quepos farmland, Costa Rica, viewed from an ultralight in 2011 (

Quicksilver Ultralight, my kind of fun. (

Rancho Santa Lutz - San Diego CA. Some houses as viewed from my sister's house. (

Raspberries - (Nature's perfect fruit) Until recently, the most commonly cultivated raspberries have been red-fruited hybrids between R. idaeus and R. strigosus

The Real Monte Carlo Casino, in Monte Carlo Europe

Recoleta, the 2nd-most populous area Buenos Aires - Avenida Santa Fe entre Maipú y Esmeralda

Red Porsche

Resort in Manual Antonio Costa Rica (

Ridgefield Golf Course, Hole Number Twelve

Rio Negro, Sunset

Almost Dry River at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (

Road leading across the farm allows machinery access to the farm for production practices Mt. Uluguru and Sisal plantations



Roads 2

Roatan, Turquoise Bay

Roatan, West End 1995

Rockaway Beach Oregon Condos 2014 (

Rockaway Beach OR - Winter 6-11-14 (

Rockaway Beach Sunset 3-10-2014 (

Rosario y el Paraná

Roster Rock OR, Painting by Connie Dearixon-Adams,with exaggerated penis (

Route 66 (

San Jose Costa Rica (

Sandro Botticelli - La nascita di Venere - Google Art Project - edited, compressed

Sansa Aitlines, Quepos Costa Rica (

Santa Marta Colombia

Santa Catarina Brazil

Santiago de Cuba (Al Atardecer)
Sarcoramphus papa (Königsgeier - King Vulture) - Weltvogelpark Walsrode 2013-01 (Olaf Oliviero Riemer)

Sarmiento Park Parque Sarmiento, Córdoba, Argentina 4-16-2006

Scandinavian Festival in Oregon 8-8-2014 (
_-Coco_Reef_-Mexico -- Staned Glass - Portland.jpg)
Scarlet Macaw (Ara_macao) -Coco Reef -Mexico ---- Staned Glass - Portland (

Dutch Schultz, mugshots

Seaside Oregon Beach on a Gloomy Day (

Seaside Oregon Beach (

Seaside Oregon Sunset (

Selwood Bridge Construction Project with Old Bridge still in place (

Sheldon Adelson --- Stefano Magaddino

Shipwreck --- win palm in Chahvarz, Lamerd County, Fars Province, Iran Twin palm Chahvarz Hadi Karimi

Since 1552 18th Green and Clubhouse

Singapore, Pilot Error





Solar park, or PV Farm (Solaranlage)

Sports-book TVs (

Sports Book TVs (


Sterile Fronds in Summer Matteuccia struthiopteris --- Strawberry Chandler Strawberries --- Oregon in Winter 2014 (

Steve Jobs, Past CEO of Apple --- Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft

Steve Jobs, Past CEO of Apple - Steve Winn, Casino Developer, Las Vegas and Macao, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Apple's CEO Steve Jobs


Suckling Pigs

Sugarcane plantation in Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius (French: République de Maurice), is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 mi) off the southeast coast of the African continent. )

Sunningdale Country Club - Sunningdale
Scarsdale, New York - 10th fairway as seen from the green

Sunset at Manual Antonio Beach in Costa Rica (

Sunset at Manual Antonio Beach in Costa Rica (

Sunset from Plantation Beach Resort Patio - Cayos Cochinos Sunset (The Cayos Cochinos or Cochinos Cays are a group of two small islands (15°58'18.99?N 86°28'31.34?W) (Cayo Menor and Cayo Grande) and 13 more small coral cays situated 30 kilometers (19 mi) northeast of La Ceiba on the northern shores of Honduras.)

Sunset, Negro River Brazil

Stockholm Sweden

Sweden Groevelshjon

Sweden, Yellow Flowers

Sweden, Predator-Caro

T200T Super King Air built in 1979 N857GA at SYD (10-19-10)

Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West - panorama, built in 1937

Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, Built in 1937

Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West, Built in 1937


Tektronix Scope from the early days, 1970s (

Thai peppers

THE CATs - Huge Generators

Salto Angel, Bolívar State, Venezuela, dry season: world's tallest falls --- The Crew 1984

The flower and leaves are visible in this photo of a Tomato Plant

The loggerhead sea turtle nests and hatches along the beaches of Rethymno and Chania and the Gulf of Mesara. - Loggerhead Sea Turtle

The mouth of the Miami River at Brickell Key. 02-11-2010

The Obelisco de Buenos Aires, view from Plaza de la República

The Peasant Wedding, by Flemish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1567

The Pennybacker Bridge is the signature element of Loop 360 in the Texas Hill Country

The Saitta House, Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, New York built in 1899 has half-timber decoration. ---- Schimmel Piano (

The Villa Ephrussi in Cap-Saint-Jean-Ferrat, was built in 1905-1912 by Beatrice de Rothschild, of the Rothschild family. (Revelation studios)

John Deer - Gator

The Nuuk Greenland Art Museum - Iceland

Timber Oregon Post Office (

Tim's Cars, Alcester South Dakota (

Playa Tjuana Mexico

Tonapah NV - It's a poverty town, now that the mines ran out of gold, and the Test Site is running at a low pace. (

Tonapah Hotel NV (It's closed down now: I always liked it...) (

Umpqua Lighthouse on Oregon Coast ( --- Don't Know


Astor Tower in Astoria Oregon, site of the worlds first TV cable system. ( --- ? --- Bandon Oregon Lighthouse (
Tractor and Chaser bin (Ueberladewagen) (jha)

Antique Logging Train Engine in Timber OR, with me on it (

Tulips in Hillsboro OR (

Turkey 2006-ca-turkey

Two Main Engines of a ship, V12

Ultralight 3

About 18:15 Pacific standard time on December 28, 1978, United Airlines, Inc., Flight 173 crashed into a wooded, populated area of suburban Portland, Oregon, during an approach to the Portland International Airport. The aircraft had delayed southeast of the airport at a low altitude for about 1 hour while the flight-crew coped with a landing gear malfunction and prepared the passengers for a possible emergency landing. The plane crashed about 6 nmi southeast of the airport. The aircraft was destroyed; there was no fire. Of the 181 passengers and 8 crew-members aboard, 8 passengers, the flight engineer, and a flight attendant were killed and 21 passengers and 2 crew-members were injured seriously.(I was there while the people were still coming out...) (

United Airlines Crash in Portland Oregon-2 (

University of Havana

Montivideo Uruguay

Montavideo Uruguay

Montavideo Uruguay

Valentine Day Massacre - On February 14, 1929, five members of the North Side Gang, plus gang collaborators Reinhardt H. Schwimmer and John May, were lined up against the rear inside wall of the garage at 2122 North Clark Street, in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side, and executed.

Valetta Malta Harbor

Butchart Gardens Vancouver Island BC (

Venezuela - Beautiful site for a new resort in my books...


Venezuela 2008

Venice Beach LA CA

Vernonia OR, Old Obsolete, School (

View of Fataga, Gran Canaria - (SP-GC-fataga-tal)

View of Tegucigalpa Honduras, from La Leona Park. Founded 29 September 1578; 436 Years Ago

View of Little Tobago from Blue Waters Inn. - Little Tobago (or Bird of Paradise Island) is a small island off the northeastern coast of Tobago, and part of the republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild

Vintage Harley Davidson, photo in Madrid Spain 2011

Vito Genovese

Vladimir Putin --- Castro

Vladimir Putin - Putin's Palace under construction, is a large Italianate palace complex located on the Black Sea coast near the village of Praskoveevka in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. While officially dismissed in 2010 by Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov,[5] it has been claimed that the dacha was built for the personal use of President Putin, and that its construction began during his first Presidency. Detailed claims about the project, which allegedly made improper use of state resources, were made by Sergei Kolesnikov, a businessman with ties to Putin dating from his time in Saint Petersburg prior to entering Kremlin politics

Putin's Palace "Putin's country cottage",

Putin's Palace Finances",

VW - Hippy

Waterfront somewhere in South America

West End Beach, Roatan

West Bay Beach -Roatan -Honduras 23 May 2009

Westwood CA from the Blair House Westwood L.A, CA

Westwood fire EniginsWestwood fire Enigins. Over 200 were still there the next morning after a condo construction site fire.

Westwood viewed from Bel Air

Wheat Unloading wheat from the combine (Claas Lexion 8-11-13)

Whitehorse Yukon Panorama Sept 2008

Willie's Kingair

Lewis and Clark College - Wisley Gardens Laboratory

Oh Shit, this road is too narrow, (wwwgravityboliviacom37)

Yacht - Fort Lauderdale Man of Steel

yacht Man of Steel

yacht Man of Steel

yacht l


yacht Man of Steel-8




yacht-Man of Steel1

Zürich Switzerland - Panorama

Seagull Landing, Rockaway Beach OR 2014 (

New Tree in my Yard - Tigard Oregon 2014 (

Golf - Beaverton OR (

Lincoln City Beach June 2014 (

Orange Flower Tigard OR 2014
Yellow Flowers (
Weird Flowers 2014 (
Trees in Oregon June 2014 (
Flowers in Oregon June 2014 (
Weird Flower - July 2014 Somewhere in Oregon (

Sand Dollar, Rockaway Beach 7-2014, A Good place to Drink Beer and watch the ocean. (
Blues Festival 2014, Portland Oregon (
Portland Blues Festival 2014 from the North Stage (
Blues Cruse 2014, Portland Oregon (
Boat on the Willimatte River 2014 (
KOIN Building, Portland Oregon 2014 (
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Girl at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Four girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Smiley Girls at the Oregon Country Fair (
Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Worker at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Musicians at the Oregon Country Fair (
Bus at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Parade at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Merchant at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Cute Finish Girl at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 (
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 3 (
 -23 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( -23
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2(
 - 5 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 5
 - 6 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 6
 -4 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( -4
 - 7 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 7
 - 8 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 8
 - 9 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 9
 - 10 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 10
 - 11 .jpg)
Girls at the Oregon Country Fair 2014 ( - 11
My Friend Bruce's Electric Car - Electric vehicles are a major part of my later books (
Orange Flower in Tigard Oregon 2014 (
Flowers 7-28-2014 in Rockaway Beach Oregon (
Flowers at Rick's Roadhouse in Rockaway Beach Oregon 7-2014 (
Flowers at Rick's Roadhouse in Rockaway Beach Oregon 7-2014 (

Music Mixer for a small band
Utah 8-2008 (
Utah 2008 (

Vail Pass 2008
Winquist Dairy, Alcester SD 8-6-2005 (
Windmill - Akron Iowa 8-7-5005 (
Alcester SD 2005 (
Union County SD 2005 (
Winquist Dairy 2005 Alcester SD (
Inspecting the soybeans Alcester SD 5005 (
Out in the middle of nowhere SD 2005 (
Beaver Dam Alcester SD 2005 (
The tractor I learned to drive with (
The type of car I learned to drive with, right there in Alcester South Dakota (
Oak Tree Alcester SD 2005 (
My Niece and I in Wisconsin 2005 (
Tim's house - Alcester SD (
Grader 2005 Union County SD (
Blue Antique Car 2005 (
Oregon 2005 (
Bandon Oregon Beach 2005 (
Bandon Oregon Boats 2005 (
House and Church, where I lived in, in during the late 1940s, Bandon Oregon. The yard went out to about where the center of the highway 101 is now. (
Log Truck in Oregon 2005 (
Heavy Liquid Haller 2005 in Oregon (
Hwy-101 Bridge in Oregon 2005 (
Oregon Coast 2005 (
Nebraska Bartenders 2005 (
Oregon Coast 2005 - 2 (
Oneonta Gorge Oregon 2005 (
Lighthouse Tender's House, Oregon Coast 2005 (
Horsetail Falls Oregon 2005 (
Inn at the Spanish Head, Lincoln City Oregon 2005 (beach is on the bottom floor, entrance is on the top) (
 2 (
Inn at the Spanish Head, Lincoln City Oregon 2005 (The beach is on the bottom floor, the entrance is on the top) 2 (
Eastern Oregon Wheat Country 2005 (
Oregon Coast 2005 -55 (
Eastern Oregon 2005 (
Eastern Oregon Mountains , east of Joseph Oregon 2005 (
Wallowa Lake and Tram to the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon 2005 (
Old Building (
Rams on the Ridge - Eastern Oregon 2005 (
Twin Falls Idaho 2005 (
Green Car, Hillsboro OR 2011 (

In memory of Dave and his car
Green Cars 2011 Hillsboro Oregon (
Yellow and Green cars PIR Portland Oregon 2011 (
Cars at PIR Portland 2011 (
Tall, Bizarre,House in Rockaway Beach Oregon 2011 (

Portland Oregon, viewed from the VA Hospital. Condos and medical buildings
Student Housing Building for PSU, Portland Oregon 2011 (
Marsha Ball at Squirl's Party 2011 Corvallis Oregon (excellence country/Tex/Mex)(

Sizilien Autobahn A29DIR
Streetcar Tracks, Portland Oregon 2012 (
Bikes at PIR Portland Oregon 2012 (
Yamaha 2012 at PIR (
Green Cars at PIR 2012 (
Cars at PIR Portland 8-8-2011 (
Water Tower, South of Hillsboro OR 8-14-2012 (
Me, Paul Winquist 8-14-2012 and 8-10-2014 (
Flowers at Rick's Roadhouse in Rockaway Beach Oregon 8-16-2012 (
Tree, Rockaway Beach Oregon 2012 (
Kevin Selfe's Band Portland OR 2012 (

Terry Robb 9-3-2012 Terry Robb has long been considered one of the top acoustic blues guitarists. His dynamic finger-picking style and ability to sound like a hard, yet sophisticated, band all within a solo performance have amazed audiences worldwide and earned him international acclaim. His ensemble playing showcases sheets of sound with lightning-fast soloing of adventurous improvisation.

Terry Robb
Terry Robb 12-12-12 (
Terry Robb 2-19-2012 (
Sunset at Rockaway Beach Oregon 8-15-2012 (
Richmond Grade School, Portland OR (Where I went for 7th and 8th Grades) (
Golfstream at the Hillsboro Oregon Airport (
Kingair at the Hillsboro Oregon Airport 2012 (
Purple Flowers, Corvallis Oregon 2012 (
Bizarre Flowers in Oregon 2012 (
Store Flowers ( 2012
Flowers at Rick's Roadhouse in Rockaway Beach Oregon 10-6-2012 (

No Smoking
Hillsboro Oregon, Intel 10-31-2012 (
Rockaway Beach Oregon (
Seagull, Rockaway Beach Oregon 2012 (
Oregon Flowers 2012 (
Oregon Coast with Garabaldi in the background 2012 (
Oregon Coast, Garaboldi Bay with Garabaldi in the background 2012 (
Oregon Coast, South of Garibaldi 2012 (
Wilson River Oregon Full f Water 2012 (
Ben's Glass Pipes 2012 (
Catherine and her flooded House, Rockaway Beach 12-20 and 21-2012 (The house is built up so the water can't get inside) (
Oregon Coast Range Mts. with High Water 2012 (
HP 8554B Spectrum Analyzer - My Main Tool for working on TV systems for many years (

Portland State Classroom 1-17-2012 (
Oregon Flowers 11-11-2013 (

Catherine 11-13-2013

Yellow Plane - Oregon 11-18-2013

Rockaway Area Logos
Oregon Winter 3-4-2014 (

Bridge Creek Falls - Oregon along Hwy-6

KOAP Tower atSunset, Portland OR. (
Daffodils, Tigard Oregon 3-17-2014 (
Flower Bed 4-17-2014 (
Yellow Flowers 4-17-2014 (
Flowers in a store Seaside Oregon 4-20-2014 (

Backup Generator in Washington

Rockaway Beach Sign 2014
.JPG 5-1-2014 (
Flowers in Oregon ( 5-1-2014 (
Houses in my neighborhood, Tigard OR June 2014 (
Sunset, North of Garibaldi OR, 6-11-2014 (
Rock on Oregon Coast N of Garibaldi OR 5-12-2014 (
Flowers in a store, Seaside Oregon, 5-13-2014 (
Chipmunk Rockaway Beach Oregon (
Trippy Light Fixture in a Bar, Rockaway Beach Oregon (
Flowers in Oregon June 5-16-2014 (
Flowers at my Brother's house, Tigard OR 6-11-2014 (

Corona 5-18-2014 (
Electric Truck 6-8-2014 (
 --- Tree on the Oregon Coast 2014 ( .jpg)
Squirl's Bar, Corvallis OR 6-8-2014 ( --- Tree on the Oregon Coast 2014 (
Coronado Resorts, Guyana (
Flowers at Rick's Roadhouse in Rockaway Beach Oregon 6-11-2012 (
Tim's Vet in the Las Vegas Sins and Scams (
Pink Flowers 6-10-2014 (
Woods behind Catherin's house, Rockaway Beach Oregon 6-11-2014 (
Flowers (
Road Kill (
Janet Before She Got Famous - Eugene Oregon 8-24-2014 (
Tractors 8-25-14 (
Flowers in Oregon 8-30-2014 (
Mixer 8-31-14 For Squirl's Party (
Oregon Road 9-11-2014 (
Washington Park Rose Garden, Portland OR 9-11-2014 (A must for anyone visiting Oregon) (
Japanese Tourist Girls at Washington Park Rose Garden 9-11-2014 (
Flowers in Oregon 8-9-2014 (
Red Rose at Washington Park 9-11-2014 (
Flower 9-21-2014 (
Court House in Corvallis Oregon 2014 (
Beer - 1 (
Beer - 2 (
Bridges of Portland - Selwood during replacement 12-31-2014 (

Ross Island Bridge Portland Oregon 12-31-2014 pwinquist (picture taken through a green glass window)

MAX Bridge for Trains, Pedestrians, and Bicycles only. Portland Oregon 12-31-2014 (picture taken through a green glass window)(

Marquam Bridge, Portland Oregon 12-31-2014
Mt Hood on a hazy day, viewed from the Veteran's Hospital, Portland Oregon ( 12-31-2014

Portland Oregon viewed from OHSU 12-31-2014, the brick building is KOIN TV.

Artwork on the wall at OHSU 12-31-2012

Bridge from the VA Hospital to OHSU, Portland Oregon, 12-31-2014

Bridge viewed from a long distance, at the other end with narrow lense. 12-31-2014

Expansion at OHSU, Portland Oregon 12-31-2014 (

Sunset in the woods, Rockaway Beach Oregon, 2-2-2015 (
Selwood Bridge 2-8-2015. Old bridge is sitting on temporary mountings while the new bridge is being built in the old location. (pwinquist,com)

Willamette River with high water Background is west sude of the river with KOAP tower in the distance 2-8-2015 (

Nice office building built by the Selwood bridge, slightly below the flood level, idiots, 2-8-2015 (

Wilimatte River almost flooding by Oaks Park, Portland Oregon 4-8-2015 (

Willamette River at almost flood stage (

Willamette River at almost flood stage (

Boxter 3-1-2015 (

Nice Ride(

Windy Day in Rockaway Beach Oregon 3-2-15 (

Buda with a broken foot, in my back Yard (
Flowers in Oregon 3-6-2015 (
Beer - 3 (
Flowers in Selwood Oregon 3-16-2015 (

Nice Old House, Selwood Oregon 3-6-2015(

Nice Old Houses, Selwood Oregon 3-6-2015(

Lisa Mann at Tigardville Station, Tigard Oregon 4-25-2015(

Sunset at Rockaway Beach 4-27-2015 (

Bush 4-29-15 Western Oregon (

Selwood Oregon Houses 2015 (

Flowers in Sellwood 5-1-2015 (

Flowers in Selwood 5-1-2015 (
Beer - 4 (

Flowers in Selwood Oregon (

Flowers in a Selwood evening (

Houses in Selwood 5-2-2015 (
Flowers in Selwood Oregon 3-16-2015 (

Houses in Selwood 5-9-2015 (

An Old House in Selwood (

Houses in Selwood 5-9-2015 (

Trees in Selwood 6-7-2015 (
Flowers in Oregon 6-16-2015 (

Night pictures of flowers in Oregon (

Tsunami Warning Siren, Rockaway Beach Oregon, 6-16-2015 (

Oregon Woods (

New Power Lines in Steel poles, Hwy-6 Oregon (

Bird Box with Moss Rockaway Beach Oregon 6-16-2015 (

Oregon 6-17-2015 (
Red Tail Golf Course, Beaverton Oregon 6-20-2015 (
Red Tail Golf Course, Beaverton Oregon 6-20-2015 (

Flowers - Tigard Oregon - 6-21-2015 pwinquist
Houses in my Neighborhood, Tigard OR, June 21, 2014 (
Houses in my neighborhood, Tigard OR June 21, 2014 (
Houses in my neighborhood, Tigard OR June 21, 2014 (
Houses in my neighborhood, Tigard OR June 2014 (

Heavy Load Truck, 6-24-2015 (

Volvo Digger (

6-24-2015 (

Ross Island Bridge from the Bike Path, East Portland, 6-24-2015 (

Ross Island Bridge and Portland from the Bike Path (

MAX Bridge for Trains, Pedestrians, and Bicycles only. A couple Months Before it Opens, Portland Oregon 6-24-2015 (

Portland from the bike path on the east side 6-24-2015

CNN Building, Portland Oregon 6-24-15 (

Portland Viewed from the East Side 6-24-15 (
Flowers in Oregon 6-24-2015 (

Summer 2015 Flowers in Portland Oregon (

Selwood Oregon Houses Summer 2015 (

Selwood and Eastmoreland Houses Summer 2015 (

Antique Art

Huge Pumps in Selwood Or (

Sand Dollar Restaurant, Rockaway Beach OR ( 6-27-2015

Selwood Oregon June 2015 (

Flowers in Oregon. Summer 2015 (

Nice Car Summer 2015(
Beer - 5 (

Portland Viewed from Selwood 7-3-2015 (

Portland viewed from Selwood Summer 2015 (

Selwood Oregon Houses Summer 2015 - (

Boats on the Willamette River July 4, 2015 (
Oregon Country Fair 2015 (
Oregon Country Fair 2015 (

Houses in Tigard (
 7-15-15 pwinquist.jpg)
Cascade Square, Progress Oregon (Portland) 7-15-15 (

Eastmoreland Golf Course, Portland Oregon 7-15-15 (

Slick Houses in Tigard Oregon (

Slick Houses in Tigard Oregon 7-16-2015 (

Slick Houses in Tigard Oregon 7-16-2015 (


Willamette River, viewed from the Selwood Bridge 7-18-2015 (

Offices and Condos, on the Water Front in Portland Oregon 7-18-2015 (

Flowers at the Rose Garden, Portland Oregon 7-18-2015 (

Eastmoreland Houses, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Reed College, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Reed College, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Reed College, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Reed College, Nuclear Reactor Building, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Eastmoreland Houses, Portland Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Eastmoreland Golf Course, Portland Oregon 7-20-15 (

Monkey Trees in Selwood, Oregon 7-20-2015 (
Flowers in Selwood Oregon 7-20-2015 (

Houses in Waverley Country Club, Portland Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Houses in Waverley Country Club, Portland (Sellwood) Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Houses in Waverley Country Club, Portland (Sellwood) Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Houses in Waverley Country Club, Portland (Sellwood) Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Houses in Waverley Country Club, Portland (Sellwood) Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Waverley Country Club, Portland (Sellwood) Oregon 7-21-2015 (

Waverley Country Club 7-21-2015 (

Waverley Country Club 7-21-2015 (

Not Guilty
Road Kill - 2 (

Barbie Jokes

Old Jokes

Old Jokes 2


Beer - 6 (
Beer - 7 (


Danny Kelly in Hollywood Hills around 1988 with the Satellite Antenna I put up for him (

Las Vegas from the Rio Tower 4-22-2009 (

Las Vegas from the Rio Tower 4-22-2009 - (

Hillsboro Oregon 7-13-2009 (

Hillsboro Oregon library Park 7-13-2009 (

Data Dungeons and Vaults - Concepts (

Garthwick Neighborhood of Selwood, Portland Oregon 8-6-2015 (

Garthwick Neighborhood of Selwood, Portland Oregon 8-6-2015 (

Garthwick Neighborhood of Selwood, Portland Oregon 8-6-2015 Continued (

Garthwick Neighborhood of Selwood, Portland Oregon 8-6-2015 Continued (

Garthwick Neighborhood of Selwood, Portland Oregon 8-6-2015 Continued (

Willamette River, 5-20-2015 (

Paulson House, Portland OR 8-20-2015 (
Beer - 8 (
Beer - 9 (
Beer - 12 (
Beer - 13 (

Paul in Hugo's 5-22-2005 (
Beer - 14 (

Planes at Twin Oaks Airstrip, south of Hillsboro Oregon 4-18-2010 (
Beer - 15 (
Beer - 16 (
Beer - 17 (

Butchart Gardens Vancouver Island Canada 89-26-2003 (

Butchart Gardens Vancouver Island Canada 89-26-2003 (

Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

Nevada Desert 10-9-2003 (

Phony Moon Landing - Flags

Phony Moon Landing - Foot Prints